The Power of We.

Late in 2021, three people had coffee in Sioux Falls and talked about the insane political scene in Washington and South Dakota. Two weeks later, there were four. Then dozens as we continued to grow giving people an opportunity to voice their frustrations about the extremist agendas that seem to be advancing in politics.

By the summer of 2022, we decided to stop talking and take action. We named ourselves Change Agents of South Dakota because we believe the majority of our state wants serious changes to the tone and actions of our elected officials. Our goal is to keep the extremists out and help elect moderate, thoughtful, responsible candidates into office. We are not partisan.

We are Independents, Republicans, and Democrats.

While the situation in Washington seems impossible to fix, with your help, we can make positive changes in South Dakota. It takes electing reasonable people who want to serve us all and holding elected officials accountable for their extremist language and actions. We want to make that a reality to the benefit of ALL South Dakotans! I hope you will join us in making our goals a reality.


  1. Amendment E – would amend the SD state Constitution to remove use of generic male pronouns when referencing certain officeholders or individuals.
  2. Amendment F – would amend the SD state Constitution to allow the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid. (AKA Medicaid Work Requirement)
  3. Amendment G – would amend the SD state Constitution to establish a right to abortion in the state constitution. (AKA Freedom Amendment)
  4. Amendment H – would amend the SD state Constitution to establish top-two primary elections. (AKA Open Primaries)
  5. Initiated Measure 28 – would prohibit a state sales taxes on anything sold for human consumption, not including alcoholic beverages or prepared food. (AKA Grocery Tax Repeal)
  6. Initiated Measure 29 – would legalize the recreational use, possession and distribution of marijuana (AKA Marijuana Legalization Initiative)
  7. Referred Law 21 – regulation of CO2 pipelines. YES vote will allow legislation to become law; NO vote will reject the law.


Scroll down for our latest report… July 24, 2024

Go HERE for Power of We Podcasts

Upcoming for Change Agents

  • July 31 – Dedicated meeting to ascertain measurable goals for Change Agents going forward.
  • August 7 – Rick Weiland will discuss both of the ballot issues he is involved with for the November election: the Freedom Amendment and the Grocery Tax Repeal
  • August 14 – Eminent Domain & the carbon pipeline are the issue. Many think a recent bill passed (SB 201) is a giveaway for the pipeline company. One of those is Joy Hahn, who will present a PowerPoint aimed at voiding the bill.

**Want to attend? Email us at [email protected] or call 605-521-6076**

Participatory Democracy

Promote active participation and voter education in state and local elections.

Responsive Leadership

Advocate for constructive positions and seek broad consensus with state and local leaders on challenging topics.

Active Advocacy

Encourage and support engagement and leadership on important issues that promote our mission.

“We came together to voice concern about the future and stayed together to make positive changes in South Dakota politics.”

– Rick Knobe, Founding Member


Most recent

July 22 – Kamala Kudos

July 18 – About Two Presidents

July 14 – Carbon Pipelines

Become Involved

We’re always seeking like-minded individuals to become involved and help push our campaign further than we could ever imagine. Does that sound like you? Sign up today and be a part of the change!

Support our Cause

Unfortunately, to make positive changes in politics takes more than just good ideas and dialogue- it takes money. In order to effectively make positive changes in SD politics and support moderate candidates, we need your monetary support. Please donate today!

Over the summer, Change Agents will be inviting candidates who will appear in the upcoming November elections.  Change Agents will also invite opposing representatives of the upcoming ballot initiatives.

Summary of meeting July 24, 2024

Minnehaha County Commissioner Joe Kippley sat in with the Change Agents to explain the Commission’s unanimous vote the day before to table the Home Rule Charter issue for this election cycle.  The Commission meets three times a month, yet their jobs are part-time.  The county has experienced enormous growth in the past few decades, so the positions of Register of Deeds, Treasurer and Auditor now require experts in those positions… experienced professionals. And a full-time County Manager is needed to handle all the daily needs and to make quick decisions when they’re called for.  Kippley and Commissioner Dean Karsky had introduced Home Rule for the November election.  It would have required only one more vote from the 5 person panel. 

But Auditor Leah Anderson, who had conducted a full recount of the June primary (only 5% is usually checked), filled half the meeting room with her supporters and claimed the Home Rule issue was only about getting her out of office.  Kippley told Change Agents that the Home Rule discussions predated Anderson’s election to office. “We’ve been talking about it for 20 years.”  The Commission is supportive of a Home Rule Charter, but they want to have time for the best opportunity to move the charter forward. The Commission says that upcoming studies in 2025 could potentially help the charter bolster support for a home rule charter. Our members felt citizen involvement would be a great way to move this forward. Discussion was had about a task force to inform voters about the home rule charter.

So, in order to avoid all political extremism, the Commission voted to table it for now.  “It’s important, but not urgent.” said Kippley.    In the meantime, he expressed full confidence in the county personnel now in place.  It will be brought up again for 2026.  Some Change Agents expressed dismay at the delay of what is considered a vital need, but most agreed with the Commission’s decision due to current circumstances.

There would be 3 main components to the home rule charter. First is local control of the offices so that the county can get skilled folks in those positions. Second is the opportunity to restructure some of the offices to enhance efficiency and accountability. The Commission would like to create a County Manager who would be accountable to a board. The third component to the home rule charter would be to combine the offices of County Auditor, Treasurer, and Register of Deeds the three offices would be reorganized into a new Finance Office. A CFO type position would be created to oversee financial and record keeping.

**If you’d like a taste of the folks behind Leah Anderson, read this story and then check out the entire website.

(For reports of previous meetings go HERE)

4 responses to “Changing South Dakota Politics for the Better.”

  1. Hope Springs Avatar
    Hope Springs

    My dream for my country is to very soon be alive to hear a sound sweeping our nation. That sound will be similar to popping a cork off a champagne bottle. It will be the sound of people pulling their heads out of their behinds. (The first – and loudest – pops will be from the DC area.) What will precipitate this national pop remains unclear. Felony convictions didn’t prompt it nor did stumbling, incoherent speeches. Something will finally wake us up. Something so mundane and seemingly unimportant that no one can even claim climate change as the impetus. Once heads are correctly placed, it will be like waking from a bad dream. What?!? We are preferring a dictator who is a felon? We actually give money to an old guy who doesn’t know his own name? If either of these men actually loved the country we love, this would not be an issue because they would have already gracefully bowed out. But it is our issue. And our time is running out for common sense to prevail. But it’s not too late. If you are still mumbling into your colon, come out and breathe some fresh air. Let’s work together to find someone who will inspire us, who will give us hope, and who will actually lead us into a bright future instead of one of fear and angst. Unfortunately, that person is still unknown. But, hopefully, we will know them when we meet them. And, hopefully, that will be very soon.

    1. Walt Shields Avatar
      Walt Shields

      That bright future is certainly in question right now. Yes, very soon is our hope.

    2. Pearl Caldwell Avatar
      Pearl Caldwell

      I really like your ‘popping a cork’ simile, but I’m afraid I don’t see it happening on either side. Do you really think the American people will allow a Nazi wannabe to gain the Presidency again? I don’t think so, but times are fraught.

  2. Jason Carter Avatar
    Jason Carter

    The overarching stupidity of “the American people” has always been an historical constant, but I truly believe the calamity of this election can be weathered by the skin of our teeth. The plurality of Americans nationwide – if not in South Dakota – reject the policies of MAGA and Project 2025. The only way Republicans have been able to achieve national success over the last 24 years is by cheating. So there is hope. Slim, but still there.

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4 thoughts on “Changing South Dakota Politics for the Better.

  1. Hope Springs

    My dream for my country is to very soon be alive to hear a sound sweeping our nation. That sound will be similar to popping a cork off a champagne bottle. It will be the sound of people pulling their heads out of their behinds. (The first – and loudest – pops will be from the DC area.) What will precipitate this national pop remains unclear. Felony convictions didn’t prompt it nor did stumbling, incoherent speeches. Something will finally wake us up. Something so mundane and seemingly unimportant that no one can even claim climate change as the impetus. Once heads are correctly placed, it will be like waking from a bad dream. What?!? We are preferring a dictator who is a felon? We actually give money to an old guy who doesn’t know his own name? If either of these men actually loved the country we love, this would not be an issue because they would have already gracefully bowed out. But it is our issue. And our time is running out for common sense to prevail. But it’s not too late. If you are still mumbling into your colon, come out and breathe some fresh air. Let’s work together to find someone who will inspire us, who will give us hope, and who will actually lead us into a bright future instead of one of fear and angst. Unfortunately, that person is still unknown. But, hopefully, we will know them when we meet them. And, hopefully, that will be very soon.

    1. Pearl Caldwell

      I really like your ‘popping a cork’ simile, but I’m afraid I don’t see it happening on either side. Do you really think the American people will allow a Nazi wannabe to gain the Presidency again? I don’t think so, but times are fraught.

  2. Jason Carter

    The overarching stupidity of “the American people” has always been an historical constant, but I truly believe the calamity of this election can be weathered by the skin of our teeth. The plurality of Americans nationwide – if not in South Dakota – reject the policies of MAGA and Project 2025. The only way Republicans have been able to achieve national success over the last 24 years is by cheating. So there is hope. Slim, but still there.


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